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Our Background

There has been Steiner Waldorf education in the Calder Valley for nearly 20 years, but with the closure of the local school in 2019 this looked set to end. As a group of experienced teachers with a strong passion for Waldorf teaching styles, we set about creating a new type of education that fits around modern family life, and the different ways that children learn and grow.

About Us: About

Our Vision

With over two decades of Waldorf-Steiner teaching experience between us, we know first-hand the difference a creative, experiential education makes. We believe in letting children be children: asking questions, getting their hands dirty and learning by doing to best equip them for the adventures ahead of them in life.

At WILL, we offer creative, flexible education, to make Waldorf style learning accessible to modern children and families.

About Us: Text

Home Education Help

Waldorf Inspired Learning for Life is not a school. Instead, we offer session-based support for home educating families and young people across Calderdale. Whether you're looking for subject-specific support or the nurturing support of a small group setting, we have options and packages to suit a wide range of needs.

About Us: Text
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Meet the team

About Us: Testimonials
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Pippa Colebourne, Hub 3 (ages 13-16)

With almost 30 years experience of working with children, Pippa is passionate about education.


"Steiner Waldorf principles and pedagogy lived in me long before my teacher training. In fact disillusionment at the system and deep rooted belief in a healthier approach to education led me to first discover Steiner Waldorf Schools.

This educational approach allows children to be children, it fosters love and enthusiasm for learning and it enables me to teach in a healthy way, free from the constraints of exam based learning. The in depth approach to subject matter also allows true meaning to be brought to otherwise abstract knowledge. It’s this meaning that gives it life and ensures that every concept is imbued with imagination, joy and wonder"


Pippa has taught in a multitude of settings with a wide variety of age groups. 

She also spent 9 years in South Africa, where she taught in a Waldorf school and later went on to open her own school in a rural area of the eastern cape.


She returned to the UK in 2012 and has been living and teaching in the area since.  


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